1. Scope of application
- All contractual relationships between Training Base Weeze GmbH & Co. KG (hereinafter also referred to as “the Contractor” or “TBW”) and its Clients shall be governed exclusively by the following Terms and Conditions and the applicable law. Terms and conditions of the Client or of companies represented by the Client, legal entities under public law or special funds under public law (hereinafter also referred to as “the Client”) shall only apply to the Contractual Relationship if TBW has expressly agreed to them.
- TBW offers in particular the implementation of training courses and other events in real fire scenarios on its training grounds, including equipment and buildings, filling of respiratory equipment, care of training units (for example catering and overnight stays) and implementation of training courses (“the Services”).
- In case of rental and other, in particular loan of materials and equipment such as fire-fighting equipment, respiratory equipment, fire-protection clothing etc. these Terms and Conditions and in addition, the special terms for the hiring of materials and equipment of the Contractor (Annex 1) shall apply.
- Offers, acceptances and other contractual declarations of TBW are exclusively made on the basis of these Terms and conditions.
- Deviations from these Terms and Conditions as well as all contractual amendments, supplements and Additional agreements must be made in writing. Verbal additional agreements are not made.
- In the event of ongoing business relationships, these Terms and conditions of Business shall also apply if TBW does not refer to them again.
2. Offer and conclusion of contract
- If no deviating acceptance period is indicated, offers by TBW can be accepted by the Client for a Period of 30 days after date of issue. Offers by TBW are subject to change, i.e. TBW is also authorised to revoke an offer at any time during the offer period until receipt of the acceptance. The Contract comes into effect upon receipt of the signed offer by the Client at TBW or through another declaration of intent by the Client at the latest with the utilisation of the Service. If the Client submits an Offer that is not related to a previous offer by TBW, the Contract the contract comes into effect with the written order confirmation by TBW, at the latest with the implementation of the Service.
- Offers by TBW can only be accepted completely and without changes by the Client. Any only partial acceptance of an offer and/or change is considered a rejection unless TBW declares its agreement in writing.
- Unless stated otherwise in the offers of TBW or by other written declaration of TBW, TBW does not grant any warranted characteristics or guarantee qualities of its services.
3. Execution of the Agreement
TBW shall perform the agreed services to the best of its knowledge and in good conscience. TBW is authorised to perform the Services at its own discretion itself or with the involvement of third parties. Partial services are permissible, as far as they are reasonable for the Client.
4. Structure and hierachy within TBW training courses
- Safety personnel in a number to be determined by TBW for the individual case is required for the execution of training courses on the training grounds. The safety staff consists of the Supervisor and qualifiedtrainers (if applicable, also trainers provided by the Client, i.e. external) and/or instructors (if applicable, also provided by the Client, i.e. external) (hereinafter jointly referred to as: functional staff). The Supervisor leads the training scenario. He is responsible for management and safety, makes final decisions regarding safety and organisation of the training and is the first contact for the functional staff of the training courses. He carries out the safety briefing and must be sufficiently informed by the Client about the participants as well as the external trainers and instructors. The Supervisor does not interfere with the training and procedures of TBW’s own and/or non-TBW trainers, as long as they proceed according to TBW’s established safety parameters and specifications (organisational training plan).
- The trainers or instructors are provided by TBW (TBW’s own trainers) or by the Client (external trainers or instructors). They must always wear respiratory equipment and the prescribed fire brigade protective clothing.
- The Client assures that the respective external trainer or instructor has participated in a special briefing for external trainers held by TBW’s own trainers in advance. The Client is responsible for and ensures that their own trainer and/or instructor has confirmed and acknowledged the rules for external trainers and instructors when deployed at Training Base Weeze.
- If the Client provides an (external) Trainer, they are responsible for the training content and learning objectives. The external trainer can coordinate and control the training of his own group at any time, i.e. also intervene in it – the above however only within the (safety-relevant) limits specified in advance by TBW (in particular within the work-instructions for the respective scenario) and within the instructions of the Supervisor.
- Safety officers in fire brigade training courses, as well as shooting range Supervisors and gate guards in police and military training courses are provided by TBW. They will report to the Supervisor.
- The training/event can only take place if all positions required for the planned training are filled by appropriately qualified persons. Only then is TBW obliged to provide the Services.
5. Duties and cooperation of the Client, safety regulations, firearms, ammunition, and other brought equipment, consequences at non-compliance
- The Client is obliged to provide, in a timely manner, all contractually regulated, required or cooperation offered in good conscience, in particular to provide all information, documents and data necessary for the performance of the Services. In particular, the Client is obliged to provide all data
a. which is required by law for the execution of the Agreement, or
b. of which the transmission is contractually agreed upon, or
c. which the Client knows are necessary for the execution of the Agreement, or
d. which are requested by TBW and in the receipt of which TBW has a justified interest,
to TBW in a timely manner, before the start of the Service. Unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, all necessary data, in particular regarding firearms, ammunition and other explosive substances, must be submitted to TBW in writing at least four weeks before the start of the Service.
Upon arrival at the training grounds, the respective firearms, ammunition and other explosive substances of the Client must be made available to the designated Supervisors, i.e. in particular the safety personnel, the Supervisor, the trainers and/or the instructors of TBW, without being requested to do so, for comparison with the documents submitted in advance. - The Client guarantees the correctness and completeness of the data provided by him to TBW.
- The Client is aware that the training sessions offered by the Contractor require a high degree of physical and mental health of he training participants and their knowledge in handling the personal protective equipment. In particular, the Client is responsible for ensuring that the participants designated by them are in a fit state of health to perform the exercises at the start of the training sessions. Client is responsible for the availability of all professional qualifications and medical examinations and/or other certificates required by law, as well as those stipulated by TBW as a prerequisite for the implementation of the Services (e.g. respiratory equipment certificates). The Client is obliged to carefully check for the presence of the prerequisites before using the Service.
- If TBW or third parties engaged by TBW perform the Services at the Client’s own location or at a location determined by the Client, the Client is responsible for adequate accommodation for the employees of TBW or the third parties and suitable conditions for the performance of the Services at his own expense.
- The Client must ensure that all participants comply with the instructions of the TBW employees, which serve to comply with protective measures and the prevention of dangers for persons and material goods.
- The Client is responsible for ensuring that if he provides a trainer or instructor, they have the necessary professional competence and the required certificates, are in good enough health to lead the training and have completed the “Train the Trainer” Training at TBW.
- Before the start of the training/event, a detailed safety briefing is given by a TBW Supervisor to all participants and, if applicable, external trainers or instructors. The safety briefing provides information about possible dangers and how to avoid them (before, during and after exercises, as well as about general hazards on the entire premises). n addition, each participant and, if applicable, the external trainer or instructor, will be informed about the plan of action in case of emergencies. Participants, and if applicable, external trainers or Instructors, who do not take part in the safety briefing or who do not confirm by their signature, that they have taken part in it and that they have understood the contents of the safety briefing and the emergency plan, may not take part in the training/event. This will not give rise to any claims against TBW. The Client must ensure that the rules of conduct of the safety briefing and of the emergency plan are adhered to at all times by all participants and external trainers or instructors.
- The Client is responsible for ensuring that any external trainer used is familiar with the “Script” handed over by the Contractor, including plan of action and safety instructions, and adheres to its contents.
- If the Client brings his own personal protective equipment (such as respiratory equipment, protective clothing etc.), firearms and other materials and equipment (hereinafter to be referred to as: equipment brought), the following provisions shall apply:
Only equipment that corresponds to the current state of the art and the applicable protection regulations, is free of defects and is regularly maintained in accordance with the legal specifications or, if legal requirements do not apply, with legal requirements concerning emergency applicability, are allowed to be brought.
Firearms, ammunition or other explosive substances may only be used within the scope t of the legal regulations and to the extent of the permits issued to TBW (e.g. in accordance with German Federal Emission Control Act (BImSchG)), which will be made known to the Client before conclusion of the Contract.
The use of live ammunition is strictly prohibited on the entire TBW grounds. Only blanks may be used by all participants. - The Client is obliged to ensure at his own expense that weapons and ammunition are stored and guarded in accordance with all legal regulations, and that the necessary personnel are available. Required fixtures (Weapon cabinets etc.) are not provided by TBW, but are to be brought along by the Client. The Client assumes full responsibility for ensuring that misuse of weapons or ammunition by third parties is excluded.
- The Client is obliged to carefully inspect the equipment brought, including ammunition, for compliance with all legal and contractual requirements as well as for suitability for the intended use and functionality before the start of the Service. BW is entitled to carry out inspections and spot checks at any time. However, these inspection rights do not relieve the Client of their responsibility for the equipment brought.
- Should TBW discover obvious safety deficiencies in equipment brought that endanger the safety of the participants or third parties, TBW may at its reasonable discretion immediately discontinue the training and terminate the Contract without notice for valid reasons. In this case, the fee is to be paid to an appropriate extent, that takes into account the Services and expenses rendered by TBW up to that point.
- If the Client does not perform any act of cooperation or does not perform it in a timely manner, for example if data or certificates are missing or false information is provided, and/or if the Client violates safety regulations and/or other obligations (individually or collectively referred to as “obligations”), TBW will be authorised to refuse the performance of the Services mentioned in the Agreement, until the Client fulfils their obligation. Furthermore, TBW is entitled to terminate the Contract if the Client does not fulfil their obligation within a reasonable period of time set by TBW. The setting of a deadline is not required in the cases of § 323 Paragraph 2 of the German Civil Code (BGB). In this case, the fee is is to be paid to an appropriate extent. TBW is also entitled, at its own discretion, to terminate the Contract only parttially and/or to exclude individual participants from the Services. Furthermore, TBW is entitled to demand compensation from the Client for all damages and additional expenses resulting from the violation of the Client’s obligations. The Client has to indemnify TBW from all resulting third-party claims. Additional expenses due to services provided by TBW are calculated in accordance with the respectively applicable rates of TBW.
6. Prices
- The prices mentioned in an offer of TBW are in Euro, exclusive of the legally applicable VAT or similar taxes and duties, as well as costs arising subsequently within the scope of the Agreement (e.g. administrative costs), unless stated otherwise in the offer.
- The fee for services provided by TBW is based on the circumstances applicable at the time of the conclusion of the Contract. In case of unforeseeable cost increases, e.g. due to price increases of suppliers and subcontractors (purchase and catering prices, accommodation costs), increase of transport costs, insurance premiums, wage costs due to collective agreements, taxes, social contributions, customs duties and similar costs, currency fluctuations, TBW will be entitled to pass on the price increase to the Client. The price increase is only to be passed on to the Client to the extent that this does not lead to an increase in profits for TBW. If the price increase amounts to more than 15% of the total price, the Client is entitled to extraordinary cancellation of the Contract. The cancellation must be declared immediately and in writing.
- Furthermore, TBW is entitled to adjust the price for services if the price was determined on the basis of misleading, false or incomplete information on the part of the Client.
7. Payment, default, offset
- Invoices are payable immediately after receipt and and are to be paid within 14 days without deduction.
- TBW is entitled to demand reasonable advance payments or securities. If circumstances become known after the conclusion of the Contract that cause doubts about the Client’s ability to pay, TBW is entitled to make the Services dependent on securities or payment in advance.
- If the payment deadline is exceeded, the Client is automatically in default, without need for a reminder. As soon as the Client is in default, all other claims of TBW coming from the business relationship become due immediately.
- Both parties are only entitled to the right of offsetting and retention if the counterclaims are legally established, undisputed or acknowledged.
8. Inspection of equipment brought, notifications of defects, claims for defects
- Any notifications of defects with respect to training preparations on the day of the training courses must be reported by the Client immediately upon discovery. These are to be submitted again, in writing, by the Client to TBW afterwards. Any notifications of defects with respect to the peformance of the Services by TBW must be communicated by the Client to TBW in writing immediately upon discovery, at the latest however within ten working days after after the peformance of the Service.
- In case of defects, the following applies: In all cases, also in the case of rental contract services, TBW is first to be granted the right to subsequent performance. The Client is only entitled to further rights, including reduction, if TBW has not remedied the defect within a reasonable period of time set by the Client.
- The limitation period for Claims for defects and claims of the Client due to contractual breaches of duty, is one year. his does not apply to claims due to injury to life, health, body, claims from the German Product Liability Act, as well as for damages based on intent or gross negligence. hese shall become time-barred after the statutory provisons.
9. Cancellation by the Client
- Unless agreed otherwise, the Client has the unilateral right to cancel the Contract after it has been concluded. Any cancellation (cancellation of the order/lack of use or other cancellation) must be made in writing.
- In the event of a cancellation, TBW is entitled to demand tje following compensation (hereinafter referred to as “Cancellation fees”):
a. Costs for training courses and making the premises available:- 90% of the respective fee; if another Client is found for the period, the other income is to be credited.
b. Hotel:- Cancellation up to three months before the start of the event: no cancellation fees
- Cancellation less than 3 months to 2 months before the start of the event: 25% of the respective fee.
- Cancellation less than 2 months to 1 month before the start of the event: 50% of the respective fee.
- Cancellation less than 1 month to 10 working days before the start of the event: 75% of the respective fee.
- Cancellation of less than 10 working days before the start of the event: 90% of the respective fee.
c. Catering
- Cancellation more than 1 month before the start of the event: no cancellation fees.
- Cancellation less than 1 month to 10 working days before the start of the event: 35% of the respective fee.
- Cancellation less than 10 working days to 2 working days before the start of the event: 60% of the respective fee.
- Cancellation of less than 2 working days before the start of the event: 90% of the respective fee.
- The Client is entitled to prove that a lesser damage or no damage has actually been incurred.
- Any advance payments made by the Client which relate to the cancelled contract, shall be refunded after deduction of the cancellation costs.
- The following applies to reductions in the number of participants: Insofar as fee components are calculated according to the number of participants (e.g. hotel costs, Catering) (participant-dependent fee), this is a Partial cancellation and the above cancellation rates apply. In this case, the cancellation rate refers to the participant-dependent fee, attributable to the cancelled participants. Insofar as the fee is calculated independently of the specific number of participants (e.g. events on the premises) (participant-dependent fee), the reduction in the number of participants shall not affect on the fee payable. The non-participant-dependent full fee must be paid in full, irrespective of the time of cancellation and irrespective of the reduction in the number of participants.
- Increases in the number of participants require TBW’s consent. In case of approval, the actual number of participants will be charged.
- The Client’s right to terminate for valid reasons remains unaffected.
10. Cancellation by TBW
- TBW is entitled to cancel the Contract, if the cancellation is made at the latest three months before the beginning of the event (receipt by the Client). The cancellation can be made in writing or in text form.
- The right to extraordinary cancellation for valid reasons remains unaffected. Apart from the cases expressly regulated in these Terms and Conditions, valid reasons shall be deemed to exist, for example, if:
the Client does not make an agreed advance payment or an advance payment requested in accordance with Section 7.2 even within a reasonable payment period set by TBW or
a serious breach of the obligations resulting from the Agreement (for example a breach against safety-related regulations) occurs, or
in the case of other breaches of duty, the Client does not fulfil his obligations within 20 days despite a written warning, or - All further rights of TBW remain unaffected by its power to terminate the Agreement.
11. Liability of TBW
- TBW’s liability for compensation of damages, regardless of the legal reason, is limited as follows.
- TBW is not liable for damages that are based on simple negligence by TBW, its bodies, legal representatives, employees or other vicarious agents. This does not apply insofar as a violation of essential contractual obligations is involved. These are, in particular, the provision of the training grounds, the implementation of training courses and sessions as well as the accommodation and catering of training units. If TBW is liable for simple negligence, the liability shall be limited to the foreseeable and contract-typical damage.
- TBW’s liability is in particular limited for damages that are based on a disregard of the safety briefing, the instructions of TBW staff, these Terms and Conditions or on the fact that the Client uses a training facility outside of the agreed training service.
- The aforementioned liability exclusions and limitations do not apply to damages to life, body or health or in the case of intentional or grossly negligent violations of legal rights, insofar as TBW has assumed a guarantee or TBW is liable according to the German Product Liability Act.
- The liability exclusions and limitations also apply in favour of the bodies, legal representatives, employees and other vicarious agents of TBW.
12. Liability of the Client
- The Client shall be liable without limitation for all damages resulting from a breach of duty by the Client, the participants, trainers or instructors registered by him, or third parties from his part, in particular for all damages resulting from a breach of the safety regulations listed or referenced here, the safety briefing, from a disregard of the instructions or orders of TBW’s staff as well as through from a breach of the regulations regarding equipment brought or provided for their use.
- The Client shall be liable for any fault of the participants and external trainers or Instructors registered by him as well as for his own fault.
- The Client indemnifies TBW from any third-party claims, if the claim against of TBW is based on behaviour originating from the sphere of the Client.
- If the Client has provided information carriers, electronic files and/or software to TBW, the Client guarantees that these are free of viruses and damage.
- If the Client uses a training facility of TBW outside the agreed training service, this use takes place exclusively under exclusively under the Client’s own responsibility. The Client shall be liable towards TBW for any damages resulting from the use under his own responsibility and indemnifies TBW from any liability resulting from third party claims.
13. Force majeur and similar
- Both parties are authorised to invoke force majeur if the execution of their obligations under the Agreement is prevented or significantly impeded in whole or in part, temporarily or not by unforeseeable, unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances beyond their control such as lightning, floods, exceptionally extreme weather conditions, fire, war, epidemic, terrorist actions, acts of local or national authorities or other authorised authorities, or planned and unplanned strikes. If the impediment is of temporary duration, the performance deadlines shall be extended or the performance dates shall be postponed by the expected duration of the existence of the impediment plus a reasonable start-up period.
- The affected Contracting party shall notify the other Contracting party without delay and inform it of the reasons of the impediment to performance and the expected duration.
- If the force majeur situation lasts longer than three months, each party shall be authorised to terminate the Agreement for the non-executable part by means of a written declaration.
14. Insurances
- The Client shall take out all necessary insurances to cover its employees and other matters related to any training held by, by or on the Contractor’s training grounds, such as company accident insurance.
- TBW shall take out professional indemnity insurance related to the training courses provided by it, which covers the liability as defined in Section 11 – if possible and reasonable.
15. Confidentiality / Non-solicitation clause / Contractual Penalty
- The parties undertake not to disclose to third parties within three years of the date of performance, all confidential information received from each other or from any other source under the Agreement. Information is confidential if it is so communicated by the other party or if this is evident from the nature of the information or the circumstances, this includes business secrets in particular.
- During the term of the Agreement as well as after termination of the Agreement, the Client shall neither directly nor indirectly, permanently or temporarily recruit employees of the Contractor (or of companies involved in the performance of the Agreement) in its own interest or in the interest of third parties.
- For each infringement under Clause 5.1 as well as under Clause 15.2, the Client undertakes to pay a reasonable Contractual Penalty to be determined by the Contractor, in the event of a dispute to be verified by the competent ordinary court.
- In the event of continuing infringements, the Contractual Penalty shall be forfeited for each month of infringement or part thereof. Other claims of the Contractor, in particular on neglect and compensation of damages, remain unaffected.
Intellectual property
- All intellectual property rights, irrespective of whether these originate from the Contractor, auxiliary persons of the Contractor or suppliers of the Contractor, which are used by the Contractor within the framework of the Agreement or which rest on work which is handed over or delivered to the Client by the Contractor within the framework of the Agreement, shall remain the property of the Contractor or the rights holder. The Client shall not acquire any right to these, in particular any right of use.
- All works and materials provided by the Contractor, such as teaching materials in whatever form, are intended exclusively for use by the Client and may not be duplicated, made publicly accessible or passed on to third parties for the purpose of knowledge, either for internal or external purposes, in whatever form, without the prior written permission of the Contractor.
- The Contractor reserves the right, to use the knowledge gained through the performance of the Agreement for other purposes, provided no confidential information of the Client is disclosed to third parties in the process.
- The Client is not allowed to produce, make publicly accessible or distribute photos, films and/or video recordings of the training courses or training facilities without the prior written consent of the Contractor.
17. Place of jurisdiction
For all disputes arising from and in connection with these Terms and conditions or with a contract concluded with TBW, the place of jurisdiction is the registered office of TBW, unless otherwise stipulated by mandatory law.
18. Applicable law
The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies to contracts concluded with TBW, these Terms and conditions and to all obligations arising from them under exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).
19. Final provisions
- These Terms and Conditions may be amended unilaterally by the Contractor if unforeseeable changes occur after conclusion of the contract or if gaps in the Terms and Conditions become apparent and the relationship between performance and counter-performance is considerably disturbed as a result or if a change in supreme court rulings or statutory conditions makes it necessary to amend or adjust the Terms and Conditions. The condition adjustment is intended only to respond to the changed circumstances and not to replace other conditions.
The Contractor shall make shall make the new version available to the Client and point out the amendments. The new version shall become effective towards the Client and the contractal relationship shall shall continue with this new version if the Client does not object within four weeks after receipt of the new version. In the event of an objection, the parties shall have an extraordinary right of cancellation. TBW shall inform the Client on the consequences of a a failure to object. - Insofar a contractual agreement or these Terms and Conditions contain regulatory gaps, those legally effective regulations are deemed to be agreed upon to fill these gaps which the parties would have agreed upon according to the objectives of the Agreement and the purpose of these Terms and Conditions if they had known about the regulatory gap.
Annex 1:
Special Conditions for the hiring or loan of materials and equipmentof the Contractor
- The materials and items hired or loaned to the Client equipment (loaned equipment) such as fire extinguishing equipment, fire protection suits, respiratory equipment, fire engines etc. may only be used to carry out the training courses or for the agreed purpose.
- A handover protocol must be drawn up and signed by both parties when handing over the equipmentprovided. The handover protocol must list the equipment and accessories provided.
- TBW regularly inspects the equipment provided for their functional efficiency under consideration of the manufacturer’s operating instructions. Any defects existing at the time of handover must be recorded in the handover protocol. The Client is obliged to inspect the equipment provided, as far as possible, and to report visible defects (e.g. impermeability check of the breathing connection, check of the cylinder operating pressure, residual pressure warning, high pressure tightness, etc.). These must be recorded in the handover protocol. In the event of damage that is not included in the handover protocol, it is assumed that the damage was not present at the time of handover of the equipment. TBW’s liability for defects existing at the time of the conclusion of the Contract is governed by Section 11 of the Terms and Conditions.
- The rental period starts on the day on which equipment is handed over and made available to the Client against signing of a receipt by TBW.
- The rental period ends with the expiry of the agreed rental period. The Client shall be obliged to return the equipment provided to TBW punctually upon termination of the rental period. Should the Client return the equipment provided too late, the Client must inform TBW immediately. Any claims for damages and statutory rights remain reserved. The return must be made against signature of a receipt to be issued by TBW to TBW. The equipment provided must be in a flawless (especially free of defects), cleaned and operational condition upon return. Upon return, the provided equipment provided shall be inspected, and a report of this inspection shall be signed by both parties.
- The Client guarantees that the respective user is aware of the use of the equipment provided, and that the equipment provided will be handled appropriately and carefully during the during the rental period by competent users and according to the instructions for use/instructions provided or communicated by TBW. Furthermore, the Client guarantees to store the equipment provided carefully and to protect them from loss, theft and damage. The Client is obliged to carefully read the instructions for use belonging to the respective equipment and to adhere to them. Furthermore, the Client is obliged to pay the agreed rental price according to the Agreement. The Client is not entitled to sublet equipment. The equipment provided may only be made available to third parties with TBW’s prior written consent.
- The costs of consumables shall be borne by the Client.
- The Client shall be liable for all damages, culpably caused by him, his employees and the participants, external trainers and instructors to the equipment provided during of the rental period. Excluded from this are normal signs of wear and tear. In the event of damages and/or complete or in partial loss of the equipment provided, the Client is obliged to inform TBW immediately. Insofar as the Client is responsible, he shall in particular bear the necessary repair costs for the damaged equipment provided, or their replacement costs. f a repair is necessary after Return of the equipment provided, the Contractor reserves the right to claim compensation.
- In case of complete loss or destruction of the equipment provided while in the possession of the Client due to whatever cause, TBW is entitled to immediately terminate the Agreement with respect to the equipment provided by means of a written declaration to the Client. TBW’s right to terminate the Agreement, does not affect TBW’s other rights. Furthermore, in the aforementioned case the Client owes TBW an immediately due compensation, which is calculated as follows:
a. the sum of the outstanding rent for the remaining rental period plus the
b. Residual book value of the equipment according to TBW’s balance sheet at the time of the loss of the equipment provided. - Any transport and/or shipment from and to TBW’s warehouse is for the account and risk of the Client. The Client is obliged to insure the equipment provided (for his account) during the transport and the duration of the rental period. The insurance policy must name TBW as (co-)insured. The Client shall provide TBW with a copy of the insurance policy.
- The equipment provided remains TBW’s property at all times. Any access of third parties to TBW’s property must be reported to TBW immediately and TBW must be supported in the protection thereof.
- In all other respects, the TBW’s Terms and Conditions apply in addition.
The Training Base Weeze stands for a multidisciplinary training campus. With a total area of over 60 hectares, it is the largest BOS training center of its kind in Europe.
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